Angie Gibbons

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Let's Restart Our Routines

From the Monday Mission, June 1, 2020

So far this year, you have survived a pandemic. Bravo! So what else do you really need to accomplish? I say, Nothing.

But I also say, it's a great time for a fresh start. How does that sound?

If you're like me, things have felt a little out of sorts. Even if the quarantine hasn't been that difficult, life has been different, and your schedule has likely changed once or twice. You may feel stagnant, confused, or just out of routine.

So let's take this opportunity to restart our routines together. 

Why should January have all the fun? I am a big believer in routines because they help us prioritize and DO the things our hearts really want to do. But because we are human we are great at falling out of good routines.

Here are a few questions to get you started...

1. My favorite way to start the day, that makes me happy, is _______ .
2. I feel best when I get ____ hours of sleep.
3. The kind of spiritual/quiet time I can do most consistently is (content, amount of time) ______.
4. My body feels best when I  __________ in the morning (eat certain foods, exercise, stretch, etc).
5. I feel I can focus and start my day at rest most easily if I _________.

If you did my New Year's Reset in January, you know that I'm not big on traditional resolutions because they often feel like pressure. But I do think it helps to consider where we are at now (with no judgment) and aim our lives in the direction we want to end up in December.

Answer the questions above and set up a new, flexible routine for yourself starting this week. What are the things that are most important each morning for you to do to start your day with peace and purpose?

(I will be providing more tips for a peaceful restart all week on social media. You can find them on Instagram or Facebook! Follow along and leave your comments letting us know how you're implementing them.)

Let's ask for help... "God, help me to have a fresh start - mind, body, and soul. This year has been a doozy and I don't want to get stuck mentally or emotionally because of it. I want to be healthy and accomplish the things I'm meant to do. I ask for your peace and guidance as I move forward. Amen."

Personal note

Like many of you I am grieved by what's happening in Minnesota, what has really been happening to people of color for centuries. I don't have much to add to the conversation, except to say that I am committed to help end racism in whatever ways I am able. Here is a great resource for those of us who want to be allies:
75 Things White People Can Do for Racial Justice

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